Our Mission

Domestic & Sexual Violence Center / Shelter
The Family Crisis Center, Inc. serves survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault while striving to provide a safe living space and empowering individual experiences, choices, and strengths.
The Child Advocacy Center coordinates community partnerships to enhance the response to child abuse. We provide safe, dependable services to children and families experiencing abuse.
The Vision
Empowering communities with awareness, resources, and advocacy to recognize survivors of abuse in all forms.
About Our Organization
The Family Crisis Center, Inc., based in Great Bend, Kansas, provides advocacy and support to all survivors and secondary victims of domestic and sexual violence, child abuse and neglect while encouraging social change through awareness, education and prevention. From our 24-hour crisis hotline to supportive services to professional training, we offer hope and healing for families experiencing domestic and sexual violence, child abuse and neglect. To accomplish this mission, we operate two programs catered to two different types of victims.
The Domestic and Sexual Violence Center creates a safe environment for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault to understand the resources and options available to them and get support as they begin to heal from the trauma. These services are available 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Services for the DSVC are provided in Barton, Barber, Comanche, Edwards, Kiowa, Ness, Pawnee, Pratt, Rush & Stafford counties. We also operate a safe shelter for victims in Great Bend, Kansas.
The Child Advocacy Center (CAC) provides professional, collaborative relationships with partners as well as compassionate services to children and families who have experienced abuse in a family-friendly environment. The CAC becomes involved with the children and families upon referral from Department for Children and Families (DCF) and/or Law Enforcement in order to assist with the investigative process and provide services through referrals as well as advocacy to the child and family. Services for the CAC are provided in Barton, Pawnee, Ellsworth, Pratt, and Stafford Counties.
Our Core Values
We are committed to following through and taking ownership of all services we provide.
Intentionally listening while always being present allows us to fully meet people where they are.
Ensuring all individuals can trust and rely on us to create a safe space.
Through education and encouragement, helping individuals recognize their strengths and take ownership in their own decision making.
Get in Touch
In addition to providing services to victims, we also exist to promote education in the communities we serve. We can provide presentations for civic groups, schools, and organizations in hopes of identifying victims and increasing awareness. We also offer tours at our facility. Get in touch with us today if you are interested in scheduling an educational presentation or facility tour!